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Law Dictionary Collection

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Roman Law Tradition

Albericus de Rosate. Dictionarium iuris tam civilis, quam canonici. Venice: [Societas Aquilae se Renovantes], 1581.

Barbosa, Agostinho. Thesaurus locorum communium jurisprudentiae: ex axiomatibus. Leipsig: Joh. Friderici Gleditsch, 1691.

Brisson, Barnabé. De Verborum quae ad jus civile pertinent significantione. Halle Magdeburg: Impensis Orphanotrophei, 1743.

Calvinus, Johannes. Lexicon juridicum juris caesarei simul, et canonici: feudalis item, civilis, criminalis, theortici, ac practici. Genevae: Apud Philippum Albertum, 1622.

Duprat, Pardoux. Lexicon juris civilis et canonici: sive potius, commentarius de verborum quae ad utrumquae jus pertinent significatione. Lyon: Apud G. Rovillium, 1580.

Lexicon juridicum: hoc est, juris civilis et canonici in schola atque foro usitatarum vocum penus: accessit legum populi Romani copiosus index. Geneva: Ex typographia Iacobi Stœr, 1615.

Nebrija, Elio Antonio de. Vocabularium utriusque juris. Lyon: Apud haeredes Iacobi Iuntae, 1559.

Spiegel, Jakob. Lexicon juris civilis. Basel: apud Joannem Hervagium, 1554.>

Vocabularius utriusque iuris. [Strasbourg : George Reyser, c. 1476].

Wernherus of Schussenried. Modus legendi abbrevituras in utrioque jure. Paris: Impressus per Iohannem lambert [for J. Petit], 1506.

Common Law Tradition

Blount, Thomas. Nomo-Lexicon: a Law Dictionary. [London] In the Savoy: Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for John Martin and Henry Herringman, 1670.

Burn, Richard. A New Law Dictionary, Intended for General Use as Well as for Gentlemen of the Profession. 2 vols. London: Printed by A. Strahan and W. Woodfall for T. Cadell, 1792.

Cowell, John. The Interpreter: or, Booke Containing the Signification of Words. Cambridge: Printed by John Legate, 1607.

Cunningham, Timothy. A New and Complete Law-Dictionary, or, General Abridgement of the
. London: Printed by the law printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, for S. Crowder [etc.], 1764-1765.

Jacob, Giles. A New Law Dictionary. [London]: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, 1729.

Kelham, Robert. A Dictionary of the Norman or Old French Language. London: E. Brooke, 1779.

Leigh, Edward. A Philologicall Commentary, or an Illustration of the Most Obvious and Useful Words in the Law. London: Printed by T. Mabb for Charles Adams, 1652.

Rastell, John. Exposiciones terminorum legum anglorum. London: John Rastell, [c. 1523/1530].

Spelman, Henry. Glossarium archaiologicum: continens latino-barbara, peregrina, obsoleta, & novatae significationis vocabula. 3rd. ed. London: excudebat Tho. Braddyll, & prostant apud Georg. Pawlett, & Guil. Freeman, 1687.

Sheppard, William. An Epitome of All the Common & Statute Laws of This Nation Now in Force: Wherein More Than Fifteen Hundred of the Hardest Words or Terms of the Law are Explained. [London?]: Printed by W. Lee, D. Pakeman, et al., 1656.

Civil Law Traditon

Castejón, Gil de. Alphabetum juridicum, canonicum, civile, theoricum, practicum, morale, atque, politicum. Matriti: ex Typographia Regia, apud Ioannem Garcia Infancon, 1678.

Cornejo, Andrés. Diccionario histórico y forense del derecho real de España. 2 vols. Madrid: Joachin Ibarra, impresor de camara de S.M., 1779-1784.

Ferrière, Claude-Joseph de. Dictionnaire de droit et de pratique, contenant l'explication des termes de pratique, de droit & de coutumes. Nouvelle ed. revue, corrigee & augmentee. 2 vols. Bruxelles: Par la Societe, 1739.

Hayme, Thomas.  Allgemeines teutsches juristisches Lexicon: worinnen alle in Teutschland übliche Rechte. Leipzig: Bey Joh. Friedrich Gleditschens sel. Sohn, 1738.

Houard, David. Dictionnaire analytique, historique, etymologique, critique et interpretive de la coutume de Normandie. 4 vols. Rouen: Le Boucher, 1780-1782.

Oberlander, Samuel. Lexicon juridicum Romano-Teutonicum: das ist, Vollständiges lateinisch-teutsches juristisches Hand-Lexicon. Nuremberg: In Verlegung Johann Christoph Lochners, 1726.

Prézel, Honoré Lacomb de. Dictionnaire portatif de jurisprudence et de pratique: a l'usage de tous les citoyens & principalement de ceux qui se destinent au Barreau par M. D. P. D. C. avocat en Parlement. 3 vols. Paris: Chez Leclerc, Libraire, 1763.

Ragueau, François. Glossaire du droit francais: contenant l'explication des mots difficiles qui se trouvent dans les ordonnances de nos roys, dans les coustumes du royaume, dans les anciens arrests et les anciens titres. 2 vols. in 1. Paris: J. et M. Guignard, 1704.

Savary des Bruslons, Jacques. Dictionnaire universel de commerce: contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce qui se fait dans les quatre parties du monde. 2 vols. Paris: Jacques Estienne, 1723.

Skene, John. De verborum significatione: the exposition of the termes and difficill wordes, conteined in the foure buikes of Regiam Majestatem, and others, in the actes of Parliament, infeftments, and used in practicque of this realme, with diverse rules, and commoun places, or principalles of the lawes. Edinburgh: Printed be Robert Waldegrave, Printer to the Kingis Majestie, 1597.