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Today's Operating Hours:

Library Policies


Library policies are designed to ensure that all patrons have access to Library materials in an environment conducive to study and research. Please address any questions or concerns about Library policies to Joe Noel (, Assistant Director for Research and Access Services, or to any member of the Library's staff.

Beverages and Food

Beverages are allowed throughout the library, as described below.

Eating is allowed in most places in the library (see below for exceptions), as described in the following general rules.  The rules are subject to change if necessary:

  • Hot and cold beverages are allowed in covered containers; alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
  • Patrons may eat items such as fruit, cold sandwiches, and candy bars in most areas of the library.
  • Foods such as pizza, soup, tacos, burgers, and other warm sandwiches, should be eaten outside the library.  Please avoid bringing foods into the library that are odorous, greasy, or noisy when eaten.
  • Please remove all uneaten food and all food packaging from the library. Do not place food or food wrappings in the library's garbage cans, as they can become smelly and can cause rodent or insect infestation. Janitorial service is severely curtailed due to budget cuts, and trash cans are not emptied every day.
  • Please clean up any food or drink spills. If the spill is large and you cannot clean it up yourself (for example, spilled drinks on the carpet), clean it up as well as you can and notify the circulation desk staff.


Please do not bring food into the following areas:

  • Rare Books & Special Collections areas
  • Computer lab, or the computer classroom (3.222/3.223)
  • Jurists Room (4.204)

Remember that the Tom Clark Student Lounge is located a short distance from the library entrance, and is a comfortable place to eat full meals and non-library friendly foods.

Charging Locker

Charging lockers are provided for secure short-term storage while charging cellphones, iPads and tablets, and laptops.  No other items may be placed in the charging locker bays. Overnight storage is not allowed.

Charging locker bays are monitored regularly. Any items not actively being charged will be removed and placed in the library’s lost and found.

Computer Access

  • Access to TALLONS, the Library's online catalog, is available through computers on every floor of the library.
  • The Tarlton Tech Desk and computer lab are reserved for law students.
  • Access to Westlaw and Lexis is limited to current UT Law faculty, staff, and students. 
  • Members of the public who are not currently affiliated with the university may use a public computer station for a maximum of one-hour per day, after creating a high-assurance UT EID and password, showing a photo ID, and having their access turned on by UT Libraries Courtesy Borrower Services.  Public computer access at Tarlton is available from 8am - 4pm, Mondays - Fridays.  Tarlton is unable to provide public computer access outside of these hours.  Members of the public interested in additional information about public computer access at the University of Texas at Austin are encouraged to visit or contact the UT Libraries Courtesy Borrower Services office.  
  • Laptops may be used anywhere in the Library. Many carrels throughout the library have electrical outlets. Wireless access is available throughout the library.
  • All computer users must adhere to the University's Acceptable Use policy.

Cell Phones

Cell phones should be set on vibrate or silent mode while you are in the library. Cell phone calls should be made or received in the library’s 2nd floor entry area, the 3rd floor Law Student Collaborative Study Space, or in a library conference room.  Please do not make or receive calls in other areas.

Personal Belongings

Please do not leave personal belongings unattended. The library is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to personal items.  Bicycles or motorized transportation devices including but not limited to electronic scooters, onewheels, and hoverboards are not permitted in the library at any time.  Kick scooters and skateboards must be carried when in the building. Use of mobility aids, including wheelchairs and walkers, is permitted.

Library Property

Please notify a member of the library staff if any library materials or furnishings are in need of repair. Damaging furniture, books or any other library property is prohibited. Persons responsible for such defacement will be charged with the costs of necessary repairs or replacement.  Library furniture should generally not be removed from its original location.


Children under the age of 16 should be accompanied by an adult at all times in the library.

Library Environment

Please respect the rights of others when using the library.  Excessive noise and offensive conduct or language is not permitted in the library.  Sleeping is generally not permitted in the library.  Please report any issues to a library staff member.  Threatening or dangerous behavior will be reported to The University of Texas police department immediately. Abuse of library policies may result in the suspension of library privileges.

Code of Conduct

Library users will treat library staff and other library users with courtesy and respect.  Anyone engaging in disruptive behavior or abusing library policies may have their borrowing privileges terminated and be denied access to the library.  

Photography & Filming in the Library

Filming and photography on the UT Austin campus is governed by the university's Filming & Photography Guidelines.  Requests to film or take photographs in the library can be directed to the law school's Communications and Media Relations Department (512-471-7330,  

Signs, Flyers & Solicitation

Posting signs, gathering signatures, soliciting contributions, tabling, conducting surveys, and distributing pamphlets, books, booklets, or other literature is not permitted in the library. 

Donation of Books and Other Materials

We appreciate the interest of potential donors in making gifts to the library’s collection; however, we are only able to accept donations in limited circumstances.  When accepted, gifts are accepted with the understanding that the library may add them to the collection at its discretion or dispose of them if they do not meet the standards for selection.  The library reserves the right to determine the retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations related to the use or disposition of all gifts. The library is not able to provide an appraisal of gift items, nor can the library accept items under restricted conditions.

Resources for Patrons with a Disability

Patrons requesting an accommodation to use the resources, facilities, or services of the Tarlton Law Library must arrange for assistance through the appropriate university office: