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Library Liaison Services

Database Training

Tarlton continues to acquire new online research databases that can be used as research and reference aids, as current awareness tools, and for collaboration and discussion. Moreover, UT Libraries subscribe to a number of interdisciplinary databases that may be useful to faculty.

Faculty members interested in database training should contact their library liaison or Joe Noel, Assistant Director for Research & Access Services ( 

Librarians are available to conduct individual or group training on any of these electronic resources and can assist in creating and managing current awareness notifications and using other tools made available by these resources. Electronic resources that are available to faculty members include:

Research Assistant Training

Your research assistants should feel free to contact your library liaison with any questions about Tarlton or research generally. Tarlton offers training sessions for new research assistants, generally at the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of the summer; you will receive an email announcement when a new session has been scheduled. Library liaisons can also meet with research assistants individually as needed to review your specialized areas of interest. In addition, Tarlton has a dedicated webpage for research assistants that provides an overview of relevant library resources and policies.

For further information, please contact your liaison or Joe Noel, Assistant Director for Research & Access Services ( 

Legal Research Instruction for Students

Legal Research in the Classroom

Professional librarians can tailor legal research presentations to classes, seminars, and clinics. Individual instruction on any legal research topic can also be arranged for faculty members or their staff members.

In the past, faculty members have asked librarians to make presentations in classes on a wide range of topics including:

  • Research in government documents
  • Internet history and mechanics
  • Tax research techniques and resources
  • Texas law
  • Foreign and international law

Librarians also offer bibliographic instruction to faculty research assistants.

Interested faculty members should contact their liaison or Joe Noel, Assistant Director for Research & Access Services ( 

Database Instruction

The Library continues to acquire new online research databases that can be used as research and reference aids, current awareness tools, and for collaboration and discussion. Moreover, the UT General Libraries subscribe to a number of interdisciplinary databases that may be useful to faculty.

Librarians are available to conduct individual or group training on any of these electronic resources and can assist in creating and managing current awareness notifications and using other tools made available by these resources. Electronic resources available to faculty members include:

Faculty members interested in electronic resource instruction should contact their liaison or Joe Noel, Assistant Director for Research & Access Services (