While hearings are not held on all proposed legislation, a Congressional committee may decide to hold hearings on a bill or several related bills. (The other types of Congressional hearings are: oversight, confirmation, and investigative.) The published version of a hearing on a piece of proposed legislation may include:
If a hearing is published, the Government Publishing Office (GPO) will print the official, complete version. Unofficial and incomplete materials may be available (such as prepared statements and transcripts), but these will vary from the official version, at least in part because witnesses may edit their remarks for the official version.
Not all hearings are published. Most hearings are published from 3-6 months to a year after the hearing is held, but some hearings are published following a gap of two or more years. Decisions about whether to publish a hearing and when to release it are left to each committee. The National Archives' Center for Legislative Archives holds the transcripts for unpublished hearings. All transcripts are eventually made available to the public, but the release schedule varies: it is currently twenty years for the Senate, thirty years for the House, and fifty years for classified or sensitive material.
Since 1983 (98th Congress), the Senate has had a numbering system for hearings, but the House still does not have one.
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This hearing related to the No Child Left Behind Act displays such standard elements as:
Bluebook citation, Rule 13.3: Improving Student Achievement through Technology: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on 21st Century Competitiveness of the H. Comm. on Education and the Workforce, 107th Cong. (2001).
View full text at GPOAccess.
For select House and Senate live hearings and some recordings, go to C-SPAN.*
You can watch live streams of House committee hearings (not the Senate) through the Library of Congress's website Congress.gov. Once you have clicked on a committee link, the live stream will appear, or you will see the message “No live streams are currently available.” Recordings of previous hearings are listed below when available.
House committee hearings are also available on committee-controlled YouTube channels, but each committee must be searched for individually. Ex: House Committee on the Judiciary YouTube channel.
The Senate doesn't publish committee videos on YouTube and there is no official central website for committee video, but it does post notices of upcoming hearings. Congress.gov has started incorporating Senate committees videos from 2022-23 onward. (Go to top right of Congress.gov and click Committees.) There is also an unofficial Senate Committee Hearing Repository.
*C-SPAN asserts copyright over committee proceedings and charges a fee for republication; video publications from committees are not subject to copyright law as they are government produced.
If you wind up needing a hearing or report in microfiche from CIS (via ProQuest Congressional or Lexis), then you will find it using what is called an "accession number." CIS was a commercial publisher (now part of ProQuest) that sought to make congressional information more accessible via indexing and microfiche reproduction. As part of this process, CIS assigned accession numbers to congressional documents as they processed them. Understanding the code behind the numbers can help in homing in on the right microfiche.
The numbers are assigned each year and have five parts. For example, while it is not printed in the document itself, the CIS accession number of the sample hearing pictured on this page ("Improving Student Achievement through Technology") is H341-4. The first part of the accession number is actually a letter indicating the issuing body: H=House, J=Joint, and S=Senate. The second and third parts identify the committee or special category. This sample hearing was issued by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, whose designation is 34. The fourth part indicates the type of document (1=hearing and 3=report). So now we have H341. The last part after the dash is simply the numerical order of issuance in a given year, hence H341-4.