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Texas Legislative History Research

A guide to walk you through the process of compiling legislative history of Texas legislation

Westlaw Databases for Texas Legislative History Research

** Please note: You will want to be careful to check coverage dates on each database that you use to determine how current the information is.

Texas Legislative History
The Texas Legislative History database has documents related to laws passed by the state legislature including bill analyses, House and Senate Journals, and governors' messages. If you would like to restrict your search to one type of document, use one of these related databases:

  • Texas Legislative History: Bill Analysis & Other Reports – restricts searching to Texas bill analyses
  • Texas Legislative History: Journals – restricts searching to Texas legislative journals from the Texas House of Representatives and Senate
  • Texas Legislative History: Governor Messages – restricts searching to messages from the Governor of Texas

Texas Bill Tracking
This database contains summaries and status information concerning current Texas legislation. Bills are tracked from their introduction throughout the legislative process. Each bill summary is a document. Coverage includes all available bills from current (and recently-ended) legislative sessions. All regular and special legislative sessions are included. This database is updated daily.

Texas Bill Tracking: Historical
Texas Bill Tracking: Historical contains summaries and status information for prior Texas legislation. Coverage begins with 2005.

Texas Proposed Legislation (Bills)
This database contains the full text of all available bills (introduced, amended and enacted versions) from the current session of the Texas Legislature. This database is updated daily.

Texas Historical Proposed Legislation (Bills)
This database contains the full text of bills that were considered during past legislative sessions. Coverage begins with 2005.

Texas Enacted Legislation (Session Laws)
Contains acts as well as resolutions proposing constitutional amendments passed by the current Texas Legislature.

Texas Historical Enacted Legislation (Session Laws) 
This database contains a
cts and resolutions passed by the Texas Legislature from prior legislative sessions. Coverage begins with documents from the 1987 Regular Session of the 70th Legislature. 

Texas Statutes & Court Rules
database contains the annotated Texas statutes, Constitution, and court rules. A document is an annotated section of the statutes, section of an article of the Constitution, or a court rule. Related print publications include Vernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated, Vernon's Texas Rules Annotated, and West's Texas Rules of Court Pamphlets.   

Texas Statutes Annotated - Historical
database contains historical versions of Texas statutes, archived annually.