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Today's Operating Hours:

Visiting the Library


Group Tours

The Library staff welcomes opportunities to introduce the Library's collections and services to the public. Any tour can be tailored to meet the special interests of a group. A tour may focus on a particular part of the collection, on a specific subject area or jurisdiction, or on the Hyder Art Collection housed within the Library.

Please note that:

  • Please contact us at least one week in advance with your request for a group tour.
  • No more than 20 individuals should be included in one tour group.
  • Tours can generally be scheduled Monday-Friday, from 9am - 4pm.  We are not able to provide tours on the weekends or during evening hours.  No group tours are given during Law School final exams and during the month before Law School final exams. Library tours are generally not scheduled during the months of November, December, April, and May.

To schedule a group tour, please contact Joe Noel, Assistant Director for Research and Access Services ( 

Tours for Prospective & Admitted Law Students

The Library staff also welcomes the opportunity to introduce the Library’s collections and services to prospective and admitted students of the law school. While the law school’s Admissions Office offers tours of the law school which include the Library, the Library also offers a more extensive tour for interested prospective and admitted students. Students interested in a separate tour of the Library should contact Lei Zhang, Assistant Director for Reference Services and Operations (