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Lands of Lady Godiva

English Translation


In that perpetual inheritance, that is in the holy trinity, etc., as above. A happy giver, etc. [Edmund] exalts and honors in a wonderful manner Wulsie, named the Black, conceding to him these lands named and noted below, on the condition that he faithfully surrender them to the royal dignity with most faithful steadfastness. This is the description as regards the lands. At Walton (on-Trent) and the southern half of the men of Coton (in-the-Elms), and at Cauldwell, and at Drakelow, and at Newbold, and at Linton. These lands king Edmund, in the year of our Lord's Incarnation 942, and in the third course of years after by the free bounty of the eternal king, he assumed the sovereignty, has bestowed as gifts with the attestation of the nobles whose names are noted below, to be held by Wulsie with a safe hand, not by reason of the love of money but by the zeal of his most devoted fidelity.

+ I, Edmund [made] this gift and others above. +Oda, archbishop. + I, Wulfstan, archbishop. +I, Ædred, bishop. + I, Adric, bishop. + I, A’red, bishop.

+ Altogether with the rest above " Render the things that are Caesar's " etc. Amen let every mouth say in Hebrew, and in Latin So be it.

There are slight differences -- including the signatories – between this copy and S-484 (Sawyer 484). Sawyer is the great census of Anglo-Saxon Charters, now available online: The Electronic Sawyer .