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Constitutions of Texas 1824-1876

Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States (1824)

Constitucion federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos: sancionada por el Congreso general constituyente el 4 de octubre de 1824. [Mexico City]: Imprenta del Supremo Gobierno de Los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos, en Palacio, [1824?].

The Constitution of the Mexican United States. Tuscumbia, Alabama: Printed by R. W. Briggs, 1825.  Streeter 1086.

Constitution of the United Mexican States; the General Colonization Law, and the Colonization Law of the State of Coahuila and Texas. Trans. C. Chaplin. Natchez: Grissam, Moss, & Co., 1826. Streeter 1090.

The Constitution of the United Mexican States. Chillicothe [Ohio]: Printed by R. Kercheval, 1829. Streeter 1108.

Constitution of the Mexican State of Coahuila and Texas (1827)

Primera parte de la constitucion politica del estado de Coahuila y Texas. [Saltillo: Imprenta del Gobierno a Cargo de Jacobo Peters, 1826.] Streeter 708.

Constitucion política del estado libre de Coahuila y Tejas, sancionada por su congreso constituyente en 11 de marzo de 1827. México: Imprenta de Galvan, a Cargo de Mariano Arevalo, 1827. Streeter 708a.

Political Constitution of the Free State of Coahuila & Texas, Sanctioned by the Constitutive Congress of the Said State, on the 11th Of March, 1827. Natchitoches: Printed at the Courier Office, 1827. Streeter 1093.

"Constitucion del estado de Coahuila y Tejas." Coleccion de constituciones de los Estados Unidos Mexicano. Mexico: Imprenta de Galvan a cargo de M. Arevalo, 1828, vol. 1, pp. 195-319.

The Constitution of Cuahuila and Texas. Chillicothe [Ohio]: Printed by R. Kercheval, 1829. Streeter 1106.

Constitucion política del estado libre de Coahuila y Tejas, sancionada por su congreso constituyente en 11 de marzo de 1827: reimpresa por orden del h. Congreso, fécha 27 de febrero de 1829. Ciudad de Leona Vicario: Imprenta del Gobierno del Estado, a Cargo de J. M. Bangs [1829]. Streeter 708b.

Laws and Decrees of the State of Coahuila and Texas, in Spanish and English: to Which Is Added the Constitution of Said State. Trans. J. P. Kimball. Houston: Telegraph Power Press, 1839. Streeter 310.

Constitution or Form of Government of the State of Texas (1833)

Constitution or Form of Government of The State of Texas: Made in General Convention, in the Town of San Felipe de Austin, in the Month of April, 1833. New Orleans: Printed at the Office of the Commercial Bulletin, 1833. Streeter 1141.

Earl Vandale Collection. The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. The University of Texas at Austin.

Reproduced courtesy of the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

Declaraction del Pueblo de Tejas (1835)

Declaracion del pueblo de Tejas, reunido en convencion general [sic]. San Felipe de Austin: En la imprenta de Baker y Bordens, [1835]. Broadside. Streeter 88.

Stephen F. Austin Papers. Broadside Collection. The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

Reproduced courtesy of the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

Declaration of the People of Texas (1835)

Declaration of the People of Texas, in General Convention Assembled. San Felipe de Austin: Printed by Baker & Bordens, [1835]. Broadside. Streeter 89.

Broadside Collection. The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. The University of Texas at Austin.

Reproduced courtesy of the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

Declarations & Ordinances of the Provisional Government of Texas (1835-1836)

Declaracion del pueblo de Tejas, reunido en convencion general ... 7 de noviembre de 1835 [i.e. 1835]. San Felipe de Austin: En la imprenta de Baker y Bordens, [1835].  Streeter 88.

Declaration of the People of Texas, in General Convention Assembled. November 7, 1835. San Felipe de Austin: Printed by Baker & Bordens, [1835]. Streeter 89.

Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, Provisional Government of Texas, and the Convention: which Assembled at Washington, March 1, 1836. Houston: National Banner Office, 1838. Streeter 246.

Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Texas (1836)

Unanimous Declaration of Independence, by the Delegates of the People of Texas. San Felipe de Austin: Printed by Baker and Bordens, [1836]. Broadside. Streeter 165.

Constitution of the Republic of Texas (1836)

"Constitution of the Republic of Texas." Telegraph & Texas Register [Columbia, Tex.] 1:23 (2 Aug. 1836), and 1:24 (9 Aug. 1836). See note to Streeter 161.

[Constitution of the Republic of Texas.] [Columbia: Printed at the Telegraph Office, 1836.] Streeter 161.

Constitution of the Republic of Texas: to Which Is Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, Made in Convention, March 2, 1836. Washington [D.C.]: Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1836. Streeter 1243.

Message from the President of the United States [June 23, 1836], In Compliance with A Resolution of the Senate, Relating to the Condition of Texas, &c. ... 24th Congress, 1st Session, Senate Doc. 415, in Serial No. 284. [Washington: Gales & Seaton, print., 1836.]. Streeter 1253.

Standing Rules for Conducting Business in the House of Representatives; and the Constitution of the Republic of Texas. Columbia: Printed by G. & T. H. Borden, Public Printers, 1837. Streeter 195.

Declaration of Independence Made at Washington, on the Second of March, 1836, and the Constitution of the Republic of Texas: Printed by G. & T. H. Borden, Public Printers, 1837. Streeter 203.

Laws of the Republic of Texas, in Two Volumes. Houston: Printed at the Office of the Telegraph, 1837. Streeter 210, 210a.

Rules for Conducting Business in the Senate of the Third Congress, and the Constitution of the Republic of Texas. Houston: Telegraph Power Press, 1838. Streeter 264a.

Declaration of Independence Made at Washington, on the Second of March, 1836, and the Constitution of the Republic of Texas. Houston: Printed at the Office of the Telegraph, 1838. Streeter 267.

Laws of the Republic of Texas, in Two Volumes. Houston: Printed at the Office of the Telegraph, 1838. Streeter 275. 

Constitucion, leyes jenerales, &c. de la Republica de Tejas. Trans. S. P. Andrews. Houston: Imprenta del Telégrafo, 1841. Streeter 477.

Constitution of the State of Texas (1845)

Constitucion del Estado de Tejas; adoptada en convencion en la ciudad de Austin, Trans. Geo. Fisher. Austin: Impreso en la Oficina de la "Nueva era", 1845. Streeter 663.

Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted in Convention, at the City of Austin, 1845. Austin: Printed at the Office of the "New Era", 1845. Streeter 664.

Constitution of the State of Texas; an Ordinance in Relation to Colonization Contracts; an Ordinance Assenting to the Proposals of the United States' Congress for the Annexation of Texas. Houston: Printed at the Telegraph Office, 1845. Streeter 665.

Constitution of the State of Texas (Adopted Unanimously in Convention, at the City of Austin, 1845); an Ordinance in Relation to Colonization Contracts; an Ordinance Assenting to the Proposals of the United States' Congress for the Annexation of Texas. Houston: Telegraph Print, 1845. Streeter 666.

"Texas-Constitution." Democratic Expositor and United States Journal for the Country [Washington D.C.] 1:15 (18 Oct. 1845), pp. 225-237.

Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting a Copy of the Constitution of the State of Texas, December 9, 1845. 29th Congress, 1st Session. House of Representatives. Executive Doc. No. 16. [Washington, D.C.: s.n., 1845.] Streeter 1613.

Debates of the Texas Convention. Ed. Wm. F. Weeks, reporter. Houston: Published by J. W. Cruger. [Printed at the Telegraph Office.] 1846. Winkler 13.

Laws Passed by the First Legislature of the State of Texas. [Volume I.] Austin: Ford & Cronican, public printers. 1846. Winkler 18.

Constitution of the State of Texas and the Ordinances. [Clarksville: Northern Standard office, 1847.] Winkler 39.

Allgemeine Gesetze des Staates Texas. Trans. Handl W. Wagner. Galveston: Gedruckt in der Galveston-Zeitungs-office, bei C. H. Buchner, 1849. Winkler 116.

Constitution of the State of Texas. [With the amendment approved, January 16, 1850.] [Austin? 1850?] Winkler 161.

Constitution of the State of Texas (1861)

The Constitution of the Confederate States of America, the Ordinances of the Texas Convention, and an Address to the People of Texas: Printed by Order of the Convention of the Senate. Austin: Printed by John Marshall, state printer, 1861. Winkler-Friend 189.

Constitution of the State of Texas (1866)

The Constitution of the State of Texas, as Amended by the Delegates in Convention Assembled, Austin, 1866. Austin: Printed at the Southern Intelligencer office. 1866. Winkler-Friend 1533.

The Constitution, as Amended, and Ordinances of the Convention of 1866, Together with the Proclamation of Governor Declaring the Ratification of the Amendments to the Constitution, and the General Laws of the Regular Session of the Eleventh Legislature of the State of Texas. Austin: Printed at the Gazette office, by Jo. Walker, state printer. 1866. Winkler-Friend 1534.  

The Constitution, as Amended, and Ordinances of the Convention of 1866, Together with the Proclamation of Governor Declaring the Ratification of the Amendments to the Constitution, and the General Laws of the Regular Session of the Eleventh Legislature of the State of Texas. Austin: Printed at Gazette office, by Jo. Walker, state printer. 1866. Winkler-Friend 1535.

Constitution of the State of West Texas (1868)

Constitution of the State of West Texas. [Austin? 1869?] Winkler-Friend 2123.

Constitution of the State of Texas (1869)

Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention Convened under the Reconstruction Acts of Congress Passed March 2, 1867, and the Acts Supplementary thereto; to be Submitted for Ratification or Rejection at an Election to Take Place on the First Monday of July, 1869. Austin, Texas: Printed at the Daily Republican Office. 1869. Winkler-Friend 2121.

"Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention Convened under the Reconstruction Acts of Congress passed March 2, 1867, and the Acts Supplementary thereto: to be Submitted for Ratification or Rejection at an Election to Take Place on the First Monday of July, 1869." Flake's Semi-Weekly Bulletin [Galveston, Tex.] 7:15 (7 Apr. 1869), pp. 2-3, 6.

Verfassung des Staates Texas angenommen von der Constitutionellen Convention, versammelt unter den Rekonstruktions Gesetzen des Congresses vom 2 März 1867 und den Supplementar-Gesetzen dazu; unterbreitet für Annahme oder Verwerfung in einer Wahl, Welche am ersten Montag des Monats Juli 1869 stattfinden soll. Galveston, Texas: Gedruckt in der Zeitungsund Buchdruckerei "Union," 1869. Winkler-Friend 2122.

Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention Convened under the Reconstruction Acts of Congress Passed March 2, 1867, and the Acts Supplementary thereto; to be Submitted for Ratification or Rejection at an Election to Take Place on the First Monday of July, 1869. 41st Congress, 1st Session, U.S. House of Representatives, Misc. Doc. No. 31. 1869. [Washington, D.C.: s.n., 1869.]

Constitution of the State of Texas: Letter from General Reynolds, Transmitting a Copy of the Constitution of the State of Texas, Ratified at the Election Held November 30th And December 1, 2, And 3, 1869. 41st Congress, 2nd session, House of Representatives, Misc. Doc. no. 82. [Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1870.]

Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention Convened under the Reconstruction Acts of Congress, Passed March 2, 1867, and the Acts Supplementary thereto. Austin: Printed by J. G. Tracy, State Printer. 1871. Winkler-Friend 2880.

Rules of Order and Standing Committees of the Senate: Fourteenth Legislature; also, the Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention Convened under the Reconstruction Acts of Congress Passed March 27, 1867, and the Acts Supplementary thereto. Austin: Cardwell & Walker, printers. 1874. Winkler-Friend 3493.

Constitution of the State of Texas (1876)

Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention, Begun and Held at the City of Austin, on the Sixth Day of September, 1875. Official. Galveston: Printed at the "News" Steam Book and Job Establishment. [1875.] Winkler-Friend 3638.

Constitution des Staates Texas, angenommen von der Constitutional Convention, abgehalten in der Stadt Austin von 6 September 1875 an. Amtlich. Austin: E. Von Boeckmann & Sohn, 1875. Winkler-Friend 3639.

Constitución y ordenanzas del estado de Texas, adoptadas por el Congreso constituyente, reunido en la ciudad de Austin, el dia seis de septiembre, 1875, y alocución al pueblo recomendando su ratificación. Austin: Imprenta de "El Democratic Statesman" [1875?]. Winkler-Friend 3640.

Ustava statu Texas prijata ustavnim sjezdem pocatym a drzanym v meste Austin dne Sesteho zari, 1875. Austin, Texas: Uredni vydani Gazette Office [1875?]. Winkler-Friend 3641.

The New Constitution of the State of Texas, Carefully Compared with the Original Copy in the State Department. [n.p. n.d.] Winkler-Friend 3642.

Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention, Convened at Austin September 6, 1875, and Ratified by the People February 15, 1876. Houston: Houston Telegraph Steam Print. 1876. Winkler-Friend 3848.


The Constitution of the Republic of Mexico, and of the State of Coahuila & Texas: Containing Also an Abridgement of the Laws of the General and State Governments, Relating to Colonization. New-York: Ludwig & Tolefree, Printers, 1832. Streeter 1130.

The Constitution of the State Of Texas, with the Reconstruction Acts of Congress, and an Appendix, Containing the Constitution of the Republic and State of Texas, Confederate States, and of the United States. Ed. John Sayles. Houston, Texas: E. H. Cushing, publisher. 1872.Winkler-Friend 3120.

The Laws of Texas, 1822-1897. Ed. H. P. N. Gammel. Austin: Gammel Book Co., 1898.

Bibliographies Cited

Thomas W. Streeter, Bibliography of Texas, 1795-1845 (5 vols.; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1955-1960).

Ernest W. Winkler, ed., Check List of Texas Imprints, 1846-1860 (Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1949).

Ernest W. Winkler & Llerena Friend, eds., Check List of Texas Imprints, 1861-1876 (Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1963).