Yates v. United States, October Term 1956, No. 6
Schneiderman v. United States, October Term 1956, No. 7
Richmond v. United States, October Term 1956, No. 8
Yates v. United States, October Term 1956, No. 15
Yates v. United States, October Term 1957, No. 2
- Handwritten notes for Yates case. - n.d.
- Handwritten notes for Yates case. - n.d.
- Draft opinion on Yates, et al. case (1956-006) delivered by Justice Harlan. - 5/20/57
- Draft of Justice Clark dissenting on Yates, et al. - n.d.
- Partial draft of dissenting opinion. - n.d.
- Handwritten draft of Clark's dissent. - n.d.
- Handwritten draft of Clark's dissent. - n.d.
- Draft of Justice Clark dissenting on Yates, et al. - n.d.
- Draft of Justice Black concurring on Yates, et al. - 6/12/57
- Draft of Justice Black, whom Justice Douglas joins, concurring on Yates, et al. - 6/14/57
- Memo to Justice Burton from Justice Clark. - 6/1/57
- Memo to Justice Clark from Justice Burton regarding Clark's dissent. - 6/2/57
- Draft of Justice Clark dissenting on Yates, et al. - n.d.
- Draft opinion on Yates, et al. case (1956-006) delivered by Justice Harlan. - 6/17/57
- Draft opinion on Yates, et al. case (1956-006) delivered by Justice Harlan. - n.d.
- Draft of Justice Clark dissenting on Yates, et al. - n.d.
- Draft of Justice Clark dissenting on Yates, et al. - 6/5/57
- Draft of opinion in Yates (1955-002). - 1/9/57
- Draft opinion on Yates case (1955-002) delivered by Justice Burton. - 3/18/57
- Draft of opinion in Yates (1955-002) delivered by Justice Reed. - 1/14/57
- Draft of Justice dissenting on Yates (1955-002). - 1/15/57
- Draft of opinion in Yates case (1955-002) delivered by Justice Reed. - 1/17/57
- Draft of Justice Douglas dissenting in Yates case (1955-002). - 1/17/57
- Memo to Conference from Justice Reed. - 3/18/57
- Handwritten notes for Yates case. - 3/18/57
- Memo to Justice Reed from Justice Clark for Yates case (1955-002). - 3/22/57
- Memo to Conference from Justice Frankfurter Yates case (1955-002). - 4/10/57
- Memo to Conference on Yates cases (1955-002). - 4/10/57
- Memo to Justice Frankenfurter from Justice Clark on Yates cases (1955-002). - 5/30/57
- Memo to Conference from Justice Frankfurter on Yates case (1955-002). - 6/6/57
- Handwritten draft of Clark's opinion. - n.d.
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - n.d.
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - n.d.
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - n.d.
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - 11/7/57
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - 11/12/57
- Memo to Justice Clark from Justice Burton on Yates (1955-002). - 11/12/57
- Note to Justice Clark from bp. - n.d.
- Memo to Justice Clark from Justice Burton on Yates (1955-002). - 11/13/57
- Memo to Justice Clark from Justice Harlan on Yates (1955-002). - 11/14/57
- Memo to Justice Clark from Justice Brennan on Yates (1955-002). - 11/15/57
- Memo to Justice Clark from Justice Whittaker on Yates (1955-002). - 11/16/57
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - n.d.
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - 11/14/57
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - n.d.
- Draft of opinion on Yates (1955-002) delivered by Tom Clark. - n.d.
- Draft of Justice Douglas dissenting in Yates case (1955-002). - 11/7/57
- Draft of Justice Douglas dissenting in Yates case (1955-002). - 11/16/57
- Draft of Justice Douglas dissenting in Yates case (1955-002). - 11/20/57
- Draft of Justice Douglas, with whom the Chief Justice and Justice Black join, dissenting in Yates case (1955-002). - 11/23/57
- Handwritten notes for Yates case. - n.d.
- Summary of cases involving multiple contempts for Yates case (1955-002). - n.d.
- Memo from Reporter of Decisions asking for suggestions on draft of a syllabus for Clark's Yates opinion. - 11/25/57