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Career Opportunites

Moore Internship

About the Moore Internship

The Moore Internship provides law librarianship students with an opportunity to learn about the daily operations of an academic law library. The program is named in honor of Lucy Moore, who was appointed the first female instructor at the University of Texas School of Law in 1923, and was one of the school’s early law librarians.Lucy Moore

Students participating in the Moore Internship will meet with all of the Tarlton Law Library’s librarians to learn about their departments and job functions. Students will receive training and will work in many areas of the library, including circulation, serials management, and collection maintenance. 

The Moore Internship is open to University of Texas School of Information students who have already earned a law degree or who are enrolled in the JD/MSIS dual degree program. It is intended that students in the Internship will spend 10 hours per week at the library over the course of 10 weeks.  

Moore Internship requirements

The Moore Internship is intended to be completed in the final semester of the master's degree program at the School of Information.

How to apply

Applicants should submit a letter of application describing their interest in the Moore Internship and law librarianship, along with a current résumé. All materials should be sent to:

Joe Noel
Assistant Director for Research and Access Services
Tarlton Law Library
University of Texas School of Law
727 East Dean Keeton Street
Austin, Texas 78705

The application deadline for the fall semester is June 30 and the application deadline for the spring semester is October 31.  Please note, the Moore Internship may not be available every semester and is dependent on staffing levels in the library.  

Inquiries should be directed to Joe Noel at