The Library maintains a course reserve collection consisting of select required course materials received by gift or donation, or on temporary loan from faculty members. Starting in 2022, the Library has expanded its reserve collection to include one purchased copy of each required 1L casebook and select required casebooks for upper-level courses. This collection is intended to help students with short-term needs for required course materials, such as when a student’s personal copy of a course text is temporarily unavailable. Since there is only one copy of each casebook per class, these are not intended to serve as a replacement for students purchasing their own copy of the required text.
Course reserve materials can be requested in person at Tarlton's Circulation Desk. Loan periods for course reserve materials are determined by the course instructor and are usually either 2 hours or 24 hours. There are no holds or renewals on course reserve materials. To allow other students an opportunity to use popular course reserve materials, students must wait one hour after returning an item before requesting to check it out again.
In addition, temporary free digital access to West Academic and Foundation Press casebooks assigned in Texas Law Courses is available at the beginning of each semester. Please contact the Library Circulation or Reference Desks for more information.
Search Reserves by Course Name:
Type as much or as little of the course name as you wish.
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Search by Professor, Lecturer, or Instructor Name:
Type as much or as little of the instructor name as you wish.
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