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Study Aids

Guide of study aids listed by subject.

Law School Study Aids for Students

Study aids, such as hornbooks and nutshells, are written for law students. This guide is to assist law students in finding what study aids are in Tarlton's collection. The "1L Materials" tab lists material for the subjects that make up the first-year curriculum and the "Upper-Class Electives" tabs list material for a variety of other subjects.

To make study aids even easier to find, the most current ones are located in the Hyder Popular Reading Room (PRR) on the main 2nd floor.

Study aids published by West Academic, such as concise hornbooks, nutshells, and audiobooks, are available in print and the West Academic online study aid collection

To find a list of treatises providing a more in-depth treatment, please consult Tarlton's Guide to Legal Treatises by Subject.

Browse Study Aids by Series

There are many different types of study aids; below are listed some selected series. The links will take you into Tarlton's TALLONS catalog to view the series with the most current titles listed at the top. For the most current West titles, see West Academic online study aid collection